Movies (Eng)
Living landscapes in the lab: bio-morphodynamics of rivers, estuaries and tidal systems
Keynote on experiment scaling at the GeoMod2021 conference, 20 September 2021:
What determines estuary planform shape, size and channel-bar patterns? Coast2CoastZoominar C2C#31, 26 August 2021:
Interview podcast on Coast2Cast of the Coastal Hub (using my piano music)
Meandering rivers on Mars: living landscapes? Invited lecture Centre of Astrobiology, Madrid, June 4 2021:
Overview lecture of biostabilising and bioturbating species effects on estuarine landscapes:
Conception and installation of the Metronome:
Ideas at the start of the projects on estuaries:
EU-Hydralab Experiments on channel bifurcations with unidirectional and tidal flow:
Overview of water on Mars illustrated with our work